Free Online Courses in Math - Derivatives

Course Content - Part 1

  1. Definition of Derivative
  2. Main Properties

Course Content - Part 2

  1. Analytic Methods. Finding Derivatives of
  2. Table of Elementary Derivatives
  3. Derivative - Other Important Rules - Calculus
  4. Derivative - Examples
    • Derivative - Examples 1-10
    • Derivative - Examples 11-20
    • Derivative - Examples 21-30
    • Derivative - Examples 31-40
    • Derivative - Examples 41-50
    • Derivative - Examples 51-60
    • Derivative - Examples 61-70

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G. M. Fichtenholz – Integral and differential calculus, vol. 1, PWN Warsaw 1999 (originally in Russian)

Analytic Methods. Finding Derivatives of Elementary Functions.

  1. Constant functions.
    If y = const then always Δy = 0. It does not depend on the Δx value.

  2. Polynomial functions.
    If y = xn where n is a natural number. Let's define Δx then Δy is

    y + Δy = (x + Δx)n = xn + nxn-1 Δx + n(n-1)/2 xn-2Δx2 + …


    Δy = nxn-1 Δx + n(n-1)/2 xn-2Δx2 + …


    Δy/Δx = nxn-1 + n(n-1)/2 xn-2Δx + …

    when Δx → 0

    y' = nxn-1
  3. 1/x Function
    If y = 1/x then y + Δy is

    1/[x + Δx]

    which gives

    Δy = 1/(x + Δx) - 1/x = -Δx/[x(x + Δx)]
    Δy/Δx = -1/[x(x + Δx)]

    and finally when Δx → 0

    y' = -1/x2
  4. x1/2 Function
    If y = x1/2 (for x > 0) then

    y + Δy = [x + Δx]1/2


    Δy = [x + Δx]1/2 - x1/2 = Δx/[x1/2 + (x + Δx)1/2]

    and finally

    Δy/Δx = 1/[x1/2 + (x + Δx)1/2]

    when Δx → 0

    y' = 1/[2x1/2]
  5. Power functions.
    If y = xμ where μ is a real number. Let's assume x ≠ 0

    Δy/Δx = [(x + Δx)μ - xμ]/Δx = xμ-1[(1 + Δx/x)μ - 1]/[Δx/x]

    when Δx → 0

    y' = μxμ-1

    because when Δx/x → 0

    [(1 + Δx/x)μ - 1]/[Δx/x] → μ
  6. Exponential functions.
    If y = ax where a > 0, -∞ < x < +∞

    Δy/Δx = [ax + Δx - ax]/Δx = ax[aΔx - 1]/Δx

    when Δx → 0

    y' = axln a

    when a = e

    y' = ex
  7. Logarithmic functions.
    If y = loga x where 0 < a ≠ 1, 0 < x < +∞

    Δy/Δx = [loga(x + Δx) - loga x]/Δx = 1/x loga(1 + Δx/x)/[Δx/x]

    when Δx → 0

    y' = loga e/x

    In the case of natural logarithm

    y' = 1/x.
  8. Trigonometric functions.
    Let's consider y = sin(x) then

    Δy/Δx = [sin(x + Δx) - sin(x)]/Δx = sin(1/2Δx)/[1/2Δx] cos(x + 1/2 Δx)

    when Δx → 0

    y' = cos(x)

    because when Δx → 0

    sin(Δx)/Δx = 1
  9. Inverse functions.
    Let's consider y = f(x) that has its inverse function and has in the point x0 finite and different from 0 derivative f'(x0). Then also the derivative of its inverse function g(y) such that x = g(y) equals 1/f(x0).

    Δx/Δy = 1/[Δy/Δx]

    when Δx → 0

    g'(y0) = 1/f'(x0)
  10. Cyclometric functions.
    Let's consider y = arcsin(x) (-1 < x < 1 and -π/2 < y < π/2). y is the inverse function of x = sin(y). The derivative of x equals

    x' = cos(y)

    it implies that also the derivative of y exists

    y' = 1/cos(y) = 1/[1 - sin2(y)]1/2 = +1/[1 - x2]1/2

    the sign is set as plus because cos(y) > 0.

Analytic Methods. Finding Derivatives of Complex Functions.

Let's assume that:

  1. function y = f(x) has in the point x0 the derivative y'= f'(x0)
  2. the function z = g(y) has in the point y0 = f(x0) the derivative z' = g'(y0). The complex function z = g(f(x)) has also in the point f(x0) its derivative that equals
    [g(f(x))]' = g'(y0) f'(x0) = g'y(f(x0)) f'(x0)

    or shorter

    [g(f(x))]' = z'y y'x

Derivatives. The Rules of Taking Derivatives

Table of Elementary Derivatives

  1. y = const y' = 0
  2. y = x; y' = 1
  3. y = xμ; y' = μ xμ - 1
  4. y = ax; y' = axln a
  5. y = loga(x); y' = loga(e)/x
  6. y = sin(x); y' = cos(x)
  7. y = cos(x); y' = -sin(x)
  8. y = tg(x); y' = 1/cos2(x)
  9. y = ctg(x); y' = -1/sin2(x)
  10. y = arcsin(x); y' = 1/[1 - x2]1/2
  11. y = arccos(x); y' = -1/[1 - x2]1/2
  12. y = arctg(x); y' = 1/[1 + x2]

Derivatives. Other Important Rules. Calculus

Let a function u = f(x) has in the point x the derivative u'.

  1. then the function z = const u has also its derivative in the point x

    lim Δz/Δx = const lim Δu/Δx = const u'
    z' = const u'
  2. Let a function v = g(x) has in the point x the derivative v'. Then the function y = u ± v has also the derivative in that point that equals

    y + Δy = (u + Δu) ± (v + Δv)
    Δy = Δu ± Δv


    Δy/Δx = Δu/Δx ± Δv/Δx

    finally in the limit when Δx → 0

    Δu/Δx ± Δv/Δx → u' ± v'
  3. Let a function v = g(x) has in the point x the derivative v'. Then the function y = uv has also the derivative in that point that equals

    y + Δy = (u + Δu)(v + Δv)
    Δy = Δu + u Δv + ΔuΔv


    Δy/Δx = Δu/Δx v + u Δv/Δx + Δu/Δx Δv

    finally in the limit when Δx → 0 also Δv → 0

    Δu/Δx v + u Δv/Δx → u'v + uv'
  4. Let a function v = g(x) differ from 0 and has in the point x the derivative v'. Then the function y = u/v has also the derivative in that point that equals

    y + Δy = (u + Δu)/(v + Δv)
    Δy = [Δu v - u Δv]/[v(v + Δv)]


    Δy/Δx = [Δu/Δx v - u Δv/Δx]/[v(v + Δv)]

    finally in the limit when Δx → 0 also Δv → 0

    [Δu/Δx v - u Δv/Δx]/[v(v + Δv)] → [u'v - uv']/v2

Derivatives. Examples.

Presented-below examples only show the way of finding and presenting solutions.

Derivatives. Examples 1-10

  1. Example 1.
    y = 2 sin3(3/x)1/2


    y' = 6 sin2(3/x)1/231/2(-1/2x-3/2) = -33/2x-3/2sin2((3/x)1/2) cos((3/x)1/2)
  2. Example 2.
    y = sin2(x)/cos7(x) - 2/(5 cos5(x))


    y' = [2sin(x)cos(x) cos7(x) - 7 cos6(x)(-sin(x)) sin2(x)]/cos14(x) - [50 cos4(x)(-sin(x)]/(25 cos10(x)) =
    [2sin(x)cos8(x) + 7 cos6(x)sin3(x)]/cos14(x) - 2 sin(x)/cos6(x) =
    [2sin(x)cos2(x) + 7 sin3(x)]/cos8(x) - 2 sin(x)/cos6(x) =
    [2sin(x)cos2(x) + 7 sin3(x) - 2 sin(x) cos2(x)]/cos8(x) =
    7 sin3(x)/cos8(x)
  3. Example 3.
    y = [sin(x) + (x + 2x1/2)1/2]1/2


    y' = 1/2 [sin(x) + (x + 2x1/2)1/2]-1/2 [cos(x) + 1/2(x + 2x1/2)-1/2(1 + x-1/2)]
  4. Example 4.
    y = [1 + tg(x + 1/x)]1/2


    y' = 1/2 [1 + tg(x + 1/x)]-1/2 [1 + tg2(x + 1/x)] [1 - x-2]
  5. Example 5.
    y = [3 tg(3x) - tg3(3x)]/[1 - 3tg2(3x)]


    [(3/cos2(3x)3 - 3 tg2(3x)/cos2(3x)3)(1 - 3tg2(3x)) - (3tg(3x) - tg3(3x))(-6tg(3x)/cos2(3x)3)]/[1 - 3 tg2(3x)]2 =
    [9/cos2(3x)(1 - tg2(3x))(1 - 3tg2(3x)) - 9/cos2(3x)(3tg(3x) - tg3(3x))(-2tg(3x))]/[1 - 3 tg2(3x)]2 =
    9/cos2(3x)[1 - 3tg2(3x) - tg2(3x) + 3tg4(3x) + 6tg2(3x) - 2tg4(3x)]/[1 - 3 tg2(3x)]2 =
    9/cos2(3x)[1 + 2tg2(3x) + tg4(3x)]/[1 - 3 tg2(3x)]2 =
    9/cos2(3x)[1 + tg2(3x)]2/[1 - 3 tg2(3x)]2
  6. Example 6.
    y = tg(x) - ctg(x) - 2x


    y' = 1/cos2(x) + 1/sin2(x) - 2 = 1 + tg2(x) + 1 + ctg2(x) - 2 = tg2(x) + ctg2(x)
  7. Example 7.
    y = arctg(3x)


    y' = 3/[1 + (3x)2]
  8. Example 8.
    y = 7 arctg(x/2)


    y' = 7/2 1/[1 + (x/2)2]
  9. Example 9.
    y = arcsin(1 - x)


    y' = 1/[1 - (1 - x)2]1/2(-1) = -1/[2x - x2]1/2
  10. Example 10.
    y = arccos(1 - x2)1/2


    y' = -1/[1 - (1 - x2)]1/2(1/2)(1 - x2)-1/2(-2x) =
    x/|x|(1 - x2)-1/2 = sgn(x)/(1 - x2)1/2

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